Are you starting a side or home-based business while on furlough? Here are some things you need to know from a business perspective! Deciding on your Company structure Do you want to be a sole trader or a Limited company? There are different responsibilities with each, and it is important to know the difference. Here is a guide we produced about them, which might help make the decision easier. {Link to other blog explaining the difference…} Registering with HMRC You will need to register with HMRC – if you go down the sole trader route, here is what
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Monthly Archives May 2020
COVID-19 Support in Wales
What help is out there for small businesses and individuals in Wales in the times of Covid-19 The coronavirus has hit us all hard. The uncertainty of how we will manage financially is just one concern. So what help is out there? Businesses with Premises: Business Rate Relief: Retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £500,000 or less will get one year business rates relief in the financial year 2020 to 2021.This means that you will not have to pay any business rates during this time. This will be administered through the business rates system. You do
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